Illegal Immigration in an Election Year: A Perfect Storm?

Law enforcements at the border

Less than six months before the next presidential election, the political arena is currently rife with contentious issues. Anything from defense spending to education initiatives is subject to intense ideological debates, deepening the divisions within the American public.  And yet, few of these topics constitute the “developing crisis” that illegal immigration does. Calls for a … Read more

Defunding the Police in Real Life: How Did This Work for Oakland?

George Floyd mural in Oakland, CA

The concept behind “defunding the police” is nothing new. The idea of diverting money from law enforcement into community services has been around for approximately 10 years, but over the last term, it has become a reality across many traditionally liberal jurisdictions. This new philosophy may have started with high ideals and good intentions, but … Read more

2023 Virginia Election: Now a CERTIFIED Success

closeup of a mailbox covered with US flag and a US flag

The 2023 Senate election in Virginia was tough for conservatives. Going into the election, the Democratic Party held a majority of the seats. Yet, for anyone who keeps Police and Law Enforcement issues close to their heart, it was not time to give up the fight, which is why United Police Fund and its supporters … Read more

2023 Virginia Election Results – Here’s How We Helped

2023 Virginia Election Results

The general media establishment often treats odd years as a political lull. And while it’s true that 2023 brought no major nationwide elections, the United Police Fund kept its ongoing battle to defend the police. One of the most critical campaigns focused on Virginia, where a series of Senate seats were up for grabs. While … Read more

“Smash and Grab” Crime Spree a Direct Result of “Defund the Police”

In cities across the nation, especially in those cities with lax law enforcement and cuts to police budgets, recent weeks have seen a new and dangerous criminal tactic. Large groups of criminals are engaging in carefully organized “smash and grab” attacks on retail stores, robbing merchandise and violently attacking customers and store staff.  It’s really … Read more

2022: A Crucial Year for the Pro-Police Movement

We are just a couple of weeks into 2022, which will be a crucial year for the grassroots movement in support of law enforcement and crime prevention. Many lessons were learned in 2021.  When elected officials cut police budgets, there are fewer cops on the street and crime increases When politicians tie the hands of … Read more

Pro-Police Movement Prepares for 2022

Pro-Police Movement Prepares for 2022 - United Police Fund

In 2021, the United Police Fund sent out almost 2.5 million “Voter Awareness Alerts,” contacting voters in Virginia, Seattle, and Missouri by phone, text, and email on issues in support of law enforcement and crime prevention, and in opposition to the movement to “Defund the Police.”   On November 2, pro-police candidates were victorious in Virginia.  … Read more

Spreading the Pro-Police Message!

Voter Awareness Alerts - United Police Fund

United Police Fund Sends 1.6 Million “Voter Awareness Alerts” More than 26,000 new supporters! So far this year, the United Police Fund (UPF) has sent out over 1.6 million messages (“Voter Awareness Alerts”) – in support of law enforcement and crime prevention, and in opposition to the movement to “Defund the Police.” VOTER AWARENESS ALERTS We’ve … Read more