Learn about some of the Issues that Law Enforcement Officers Face in their Career!
The MISSION of the United Police Fund as a grassroots political organization is to ensure that our Nation’s Law Enforcement Officers have an advocate to ensure that they receive adequate funding for proper training and equipment. Programs we support are designed to provide quality training in an ever-changing environment and to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to protect and serve the general public United Police Fund will be a voice for Law Enforcement Officers on the national stage It is important that our peace keepers are given the Best in equipment and training and support that can be obtained.
It is the GOAL of the United Police Fund to be a political advocacy organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and safety of America’s Law Enforcement Officers. United Police Fund is an advocate for Law Enforcement Officers by raising awareness and advocating that political leaders adopt policies that increase law enforcement access to technology and specialized training in street survival. They should be equipped to effectively address issues of mental health and professional, on the job protections and to ensure the access and ability to get specialized training in street survival, and dealing with issues of mental health and on the job protections
To Protect and to Serve